In this state, almost everyone is involved in some form of travel everyday - whether it is going to school, work, the shops, health services, the cinema or a sports match. These figures may surprise you, but did you know that:
- South Australians produce nearly 30 million tonnes of greenhouse gases every year 1
- each one of us contributes around 20 tonnes of greenhouse gases a year 1
- transport accounts for 14% of the emissions 2
- Australians drove more than 200 billion kilometres in 2003 2
- Personal travel accounts for 34% of overall household greenhouse emissions. 3
2 Austroads, Road Facts, 2005
3 Australian Greenhouse Office, Global Warming, Cool it, 2006
To reduce the impact of these factors, individuals, households and businesses can make a BIG difference by making small sustainable changes in their travel behaviour, such as:
- think about and plan your travel in advance
- walk, cycle or catch public transport where possible
- choose shops and facilities in your local area and support your local community to reduce travel
- increase your physical activity by incorporating walking or cycling into your travel routine